Partyflix Mobile HD,LED Screen Display Walls
Our Partyflix Mobile HD,LED Screen Display Walls are perfect for any event…at any time of the day. Consequently, an LED/LCD display is the only screen you can utilize if you want to watch an event outdoors during the daytime.😎 Even on the brightest days, you can enjoy any sporting event, broadcast or enhance any live event anytime or anywhere. Our LEDs features P5, HD technology, which provides stunning color and contrast for a crisp image. These display provides optimum viewing distances from 10ft to 60ft. And our 12ft Game Changer LED can handle 125-viewers or more. We have the ability to elevate this screen up to 7ft above the ground. For tailgating and remote events, we offer satellite tv and generator rentals.
Our Standard Rental Package Include:
• 12ft or 9.5ft P5, HD LED screen wall for indoor/outdoor use during day or night.
• 500-watt sound system included
• Connection to existing HDMI cable/satellite connection.
• Cables, extension cords.
• Delivery, Setup and Teardown
• Satellite Dish Rentals available
• Entertain up to 125+ guests with our 12ft Game Changer.

(Faster than calling…we will send you an SMS message after we processed your quote.SMS charges may apply.)
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